The insulin pump is a device that delivers insulin through a tube or catheter under the skin. You can wear an insulin pump anywhere and it can even be worn during swimming, sports or showering. The glucose pump also allows you to adjust your insulin dosage by pushing buttons on the device or using an app on your phone.
What Is an Insulin Pump?
An insulin pump is a small, portable device that delivers insulin through a tube that is inserted under the skin. Pumps are generally worn on a belt or in a pocket and can be programmed to deliver insulin at specific times throughout the day.
The pump has two parts: a reservoir that holds the insulin, and an infusion set that delivers it into your body. The reservoir holds enough insulin for several days, while the infusion set connects to this reservoir with tubing and an insertion site (a small needle). Once you’ve attached these components together, your pump will automatically dispense the correct amount of medication based on its programming schedule.
As per experts at Tandem Diabetes one should“Choose from a variety of cannula materials, tubing lengths, and insertion angles to fit your needs.”
How Does an Insulin Pump Work?
A pump is a small device that’s worn outside of the body. It can be worn in a pocket or attached to a belt, and it contains a reservoir that holds insulin. It also has a tube, which is inserted into your body through your abdomen or thigh (or arm), with a small needle at the end that goes under your skin. The pump uses this tube as its “injection site.”
When you want to deliver some insulin, you use the buttons on the pump to set up how much insulin will be delivered and when (basically, like setting an alarm clock). Then you press one button on top of the pump; this sets off alarms inside it and usually causes it to vibrate so that you know it’s working.
What Can You Expect From Wearing an Insulin Pump?
Here are some things you can expect from wearing an insulin pump:
- Using your pump will likely be easier than using syringes and other injection methods. You’ll be able to give yourself insulin more quickly and easily, and you may have fewer blood glucose fluctuations throughout the day.
- You’ll need to change the tubing every 3-14 days depending on how much you use it. The reservoir will need to be changed every three days or so, depending on how often you use it. Changing these parts is simple—just disconnect them from your body (usually by twisting them off), replace with new ones, reattach, and turn on!
- Pump sites can get sore over time (especially if they’re not cleaned properly), but they can usually heal within a few days of changing them out for a fresh one. For optimal comfort while wearing an insulin pump site try applying gauze soaked with rubbing alcohol before inserting into place; then keep covered with gauze until healed enough that no longer needs covering(around 1 week)
In this article, you will know the basics of how an insulin pump works. If you want to learn more about insulin pumps or type 1 diabetes in general, check out other articles online!
Take care of yourself and your loved ones by learning all you can about diabetes. A little knowledge goes a long way toward making life much easier for everyone involved.